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Apr 27, 2023Join the fight: Relay for Life celebrates cancer survivors and hope Nov. 9 | News |
A family walks hand in hand during a special walk for cancer survivors and their caregivers during 2023's Relay for Life held at the Matagorda County Fairgrounds.
BAY CITY — Cancer survivors and their families can celebrate all they’ve overcome and meet new people at the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life next Saturday.
In 2024 alone, it was estimated that 2,001,140 new cases of cancer would be diagnosed, according to the National Cancer Institute. The gravity of that statement is immense, and the families that struggle and come face to face with the diagnosis have a long road ahead of them.
“Everyone knows someone that has had cancer,” Coordinator Chrystal Folse said. “This is all about the cancer patients and the survivors.”
The relay will take place at the Bay City Junior High track from 4 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 9. There will be a kiddie corner for children with activities to let them have some fun as the teams take their places on the track.
“Everyone is welcome,” Folse said. “It’s just a night of supporting and encouraging one another.”
The event first began with a determined doctor who walked a track for 24 hours in the 80s, which symbolized the fight and journey that takes place for those experiencing treatment. Although Matagorda County’s group won’t be walking for 24 hours straight, the 7-hour relay around the track encourages the crowd to keep going and that it’s possible to make it through.
“It’s symbolizing cancer treatments and pushing through,” Folse said. “It starts with the cancer survivors, and then we have the caregivers walk the next lap with them and then all the teams join.”
The American Cancer Society provides a variety of services for survivors and those currently undergoing treatments. Patients surviving breast cancer can receive bras, assistance with payment for medication is open to patients and even transportation to appointments is open to the community.
Folse and her team recognizes the need for encouragement when fighting the many forms of cancer, and they hope the event can connect survivors with other patients and instill hope in their lives moving forward with treatments, she said.
“It gives them a chance to meet people who are going through the same things they are,” she said. “A family member needs to hear from survivors that there is hope as much as the cancer patient.”
Ceremonies in memory of survivors and cancer patients will be included in the relay, which will include the lighting of candles and taking a moment to remember individuals who went through the fight.
“We have a ceremony that will be in memory of past survivors,” Folse said. “We will also have a luminary ceremony that will kick off once it’s dark.”
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